Spontasy -#Best Lineup Builder for Cricket , Basketball and Kabaddi


Data and analytics can be intimidating at the first glance but Spontasy makes it so so simple you can put your mind on auto-pilot and use it! The highly intuitive platform guides you through the step by step process as you login and allows you to start as small or as big as you would like. Let’s talk about what it essentially helps you with, which is creative a winning lineup of players based on careful calculations of empirical data pertaining to each player.

Get Ahead of the Competition – Use Spontasy to Dominate Your Fantasy Games

The line-up options give you a superior edge making sure you never lose, or at least that badly, if you know what I mean. Here is a run down of how exactly to go by using the app-

The first step of course is to download the app from the playstore, so head straight up there, type in ‘SPONTASY’, and download the app. Make sure to check the icon so you know you’re downloading the right one indeed! Once you’re in, you’ll see that the UI has been designed in a very user friendly manner and is very intuitive. When you open the app for the first time, the prompts will guide you through the features as well. The main features include a Platform Selector, the League Selector, the Contest Schedule Calendar, Game List, Game-wise Player Search and last but not the least, the Line-Up Generator.

There are some other very functional features as well that make the user’s experience smooth. Like the tab display showcasing the number of players selected for any game, and a filter for player selection. This is actually one of my personal favorites- the player filter actually allows you to select a player based on any of the multiple stats you deem most important. You can even permanently select a player or permanently block a player from your line-ups. Of course there’s a reset option as well in case you evolve and change your strategic decision. It’ll be downright comical if there was no way to choose players based on teams, and since we are serious Fantasy League Fanatics over here, there IS! Just one of the many fabulous built-in filters. And then to make everyone’s lives easier, even the Fantasy Points Prediction is also displayed right against the players.

All these are also available on the web-app as well so you need not fret about which device you wanna use this on. And you can use Spontasy to create a winning combination whether you are a noob or a pro. The platform provides you enough freedom to explore and create teams based on your knowledge purely OR rely on its top 3 recommendations.

What are you waiting for then? Go on & start using Spontasy to better your game! It is FREE after all.

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